Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson
Packaging, Convenience and Waste
Think about it...
How important is the packaging of a product for you?
What products can you think of that seem to use a lot of packing material?
How could it be reduced?
Sustainable Packaging Solutions
Review and Discussion
What benefits does packaging provide for marketers and for customers?
What strategies can marketers adopt to develop more sustainable packaging solutions?
Are plastic shopping bags a serious sustainability issue that regulators, retailers and shoppers should address, or are they a distraction from more significant sustainability issues?
Literature and References
Belz, F.M., Peattie, K. (2012): Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective, 2. ed., Chichester: Wiley, p. 255-274.
Sustainable Packaging Alliance (2010): Principles, Strategies & KPIs for Packaging Sustainability, PDF available here.
Jedlicka, W. (2008): Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package Design, Chichester: Wiley.